Please join us on Saturday, May 11th at 1:00 pm for a not-to-be-missed informative presentation given by Dr. Richard Veit about the D&R Canal State Park's most recent property acquisition - Point Breeze, which Joseph Bonaparte once called home. The former estate was located on the bluffs above Crosswicks Creek in Bordentown. While little of Bonaparte's estate remains, the property where it once stood does and is now jointly owned and managed by the State of New Jersey, Bordentown City and the D&R Greenway Land Trust; it is now called "Point Breeze at D&R Canal State Park" and open for public access.
Richard Veit, Ph.D. is Professor of Anthropology and Interim Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs at Monmouth University. A North American historical archaeologist, his research focuses on the colonial Middle Atlantic Region.
Dr. Veit's recent archaeological excavations at the site have unearthed the remains of Joseph Bonaparte's palatial estate. Joseph, the elder brother of Napoleon Bonaparte and former King of Spain and Naples, fled to the United States in 1815. He lived in New Jersey from 1816 until 1839.
This afternoon presentation is co-sponsored by D&R Canal State Park and Rockingham Association and will be held in the Dutch Barn with light refreshments to follow. Seating will be limited. Registration IS required and will be opened in early April at drcanal-bonaparte.eventbrite.com.